Refund Policy
Students are eligible for a full refund of Adult, Postsecondary Career Technical Education (CTE) tuition, test fees and insurance fees if withdrawn within 5 days of the beginning of the class start date or the student registration date, whichever is later. Adult General Education (Adult High School, ESOL, ABE and GED) Block Tuition, ID fees, lab fees, AGE test and application fees are non-refundable after class starts unless the course is canceled. The five (5) days shall not apply to CTE courses less than three (3) weeks or ninety (90) hours in duration. In such cases, the request for withdrawal must be made prior to the course meeting more than two (2) days. A student is entitled to a full refund of fees if a course is canceled by the school principal or designee, provided that the student was not reported for membership during the Workforce Education Fund survey period in which the class was counted. If so, only those fees in excess of the State requirement shall be refunded.
Refunds when due, can be made without requiring a request from a student. The school must forward an Application for Refund by Check/Credit (Form-2057, Rev. 08-14) to the student and it must be completed and approved for all eligible refunds. A request for refund must be made within forty-five days of the withdrawal date. Students withdrawn for disciplinary reasons pursuant to the Adult Student Code of Conduct are not entitled to a refund of any tuition and fees. Students who paid fees but were entitled to a waiver, voucher or agency payment shall be entitled to a refund of those fees paid only if required evidence of said waiver, voucher or agency payment is presented to the school within 15 school days of the beginning of the term.
In cases of unusual or extraordinary circumstances (such as illness, death in the family, etc.) that preclude a student’s enrollment, the school principal/designee may honor a request for full or partial refund of fees provided that:
- the request is made in writing prior to the end of the course and
- supporting documentation (where appropriate) is provided.
Students who receive Federal Student Aid (Title IV funds) and withdraw from their program will receive a refund based on the Federal post-withdrawal calculation formula. For additional information, contact the Financial Aid office. If student fees are subsidized by an agency and the student withdraws, that agency is eligible for a refund only if student attendance is less than 50 percent of the scheduled hours and if the request is made in writing.